Since 1885
Founded in 1885 by Ashbel Merrel Leonard, A.M. Leonard is the leader in the horticultural tool and supply business with emphasis on doing business the "old fashioned way". Offering quality products, superior customer service and a selection of over 10,000 items. A.M. Leonard understands customers have a choice on where to shop and pledges to continue its tradition of exceptional products and service. We grow, we innovate, we work hard...just like you, we do whatever it takes to get the job done!
Founded in 1885 by Ashbel Merrel Leonard, A.M. Leonard is the leader in the horticultural tool and supply business with emphasis on doing business the "old fashioned way". Offering quality products, superior customer service and a selection of over 10,000 items. A.M. Leonard understands customers have a choice on where to shop and pledges to continue its tradition of exceptional products and service. We grow, we innovate, we work hard...just like you, we do whatever it takes to get the job done!
Our Showroom...
Hours of operation:
Monday-Thursday- 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Or set up a custom appointment time!
Store location:
620 Walker Hill Road in Lisbon, NH
Sales Telephone: (603)-991-4811 (Please allow for 24-48 hour return time)
Store: (603) 838-5164, Ext:4
Over the Road... We deliver to you!
Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday- 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Or Set up a custom appointment time!
Sales Representatives Standing By
Store Telephone: (603) 838-5164
Sales Rep. Cell: 603-991-4811